“Modern Vintage” Paddle Neck – unpainted R12″


“Modern Vintage” neck with half-paddle rough shaping for your own headstock designs.

The “Modern Vintage” necks provide modern playability (12 “fingerboard radius) with a classic look.
The neck is shaped to a comfortable medium D and has the trussrod access on the headstock. The unpainted version of this neck is sanded ready for painting. A double-action trussrod that works in both directions is built into the “Modern Vintage” necks for perfect adjustability.
Completely fretted (Jumbo, 2.7 x 1.1mm), with milling for F-Type saddles (not included).

  • 21 jumbo frets (2.7 x 1.1mm)
  • Fretboard radius: 12 “
  • Point deposits
  • Shaping: Medium D profile
  • Width at the saddle: 42mm
  • Width at the last fret: 56mm
  • Truss rod access on the head plate

In stock

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